Latest News

Our Guaranteed Online Training Courses now available:
(free time extensions)
API Courses:
API 510, 570, 571, 577, 580, 653, 1104, 1169, Tank Entry Supervisor
AWS CWI Courses:
CWI Full Course, Parts A, B & C, Part C code AWS D1.1, AWS D17.1, API 1104, 9 Year Renewal, CWI English/Spanish & practice packages.
NDT Courses:
PT, MT, VT, RT, UT, UTT, ET and our newest course RTFI -
Radiographic Testing Film Interpertation.
(company multi-course discounts available)

Introducing our API 577 Online Exam Prep Course Welding Processes, Inspection, and Metallurgy -
Our Guaranteed Online Exam Prep Courses now available
(free time extensions)
API Courses:
API 510, 570, 571, 577, 580, 653, 1104, 1169, Tank Entry Supervisor
AWS CWI Courses:
CWI Full Course, Parts A, B & C, Part C code AWS D1.1, 9 Year Renewal, English/Spanish, & practice packages.
NDT Courses:
(company multi-course discounts available)

During these difficult times you have the ability to further your career with advanced technical certifications.
The online courses that Atlas Training provides, allows for the most efficient means possible to enhance your resume while the rest of your life is subject to region wide lock-downs and quarantines.

The online courses that Atlas Training provides, allows for the most efficient means possible to enhance your resume while the rest of your life is subject to region wide lock-downs and quarantines.

Now with Revolutionary Audio Flashcards that help you study when you are on the go - and Simulated, Timed Practice Exams for the API 510, 570, 580, and CWI courses

The CWI online training course for exam prep containing over 3000 questions and covering parts A, B & C of the AWS CWI exam became available on September 9. This online course prepares for the fundamentals, practical, and code portions of AWS CWI comprehensive exam.

The 5 day Houston area classroom training combined with the Atlas online course for the best API exam prep available - (other locations coming soon)

Introduction to quality control for welding course offers petro chemical and power industry inspectors updated training certifications.

Atlas API Training Provides Online Training Solutions for the Petro-Chemical and Power Industry Disciplines

Atlas API Training provides online exam prep training courses for the petro-chemical and power industries. Presently offering API 510 and API 570 exam prep courses and developing courses in API 653, API 1169, API 936, CWI, NDT, Basic Geology, Advanced Geology, Process Heater Fundamentals, Introduction to QC, and Introduction to the Oilfield.
Schedule an API Exam Prep Now

Atlas API Training courses save time and money whether preparing for an exam or seeking professional development hours. Course are all online and can be taken anywhere at any time. All API classes (present and upcoming) are exam preparation courses. They also provide professional development hours for engineers and CWI 9 year renewals as well.