During these difficult times you have the ability to further your career with advanced technical certifications. The online courses that Atlas Training provides, allows for the most efficient means possible to enhance your resume while the rest of your life is subject to region wide lock-downs and quarantines.
The Atlas Training AWS D1.1 exam prep course or our API 1104 - which one is better for you? A detailed look from Hannon McLeod, the president of Atlas Training. See the video below or here.
- Remember, with Atlas Training, you can study anytime and anywhere, via your smart phone, tablet and, or your desktop in the comfort of your home office.
- You also benefit from taking the practice quiz after each lesson and then a comprehensive practice exam when you finish the course.
- This is the Atlas Training Difference and Why Atlas is the premier online exam prep organization for the API, AWS and NDT disciplines.
By now you are aware of the comprehensive list of Atlas Training courses that are all available via our state-of-the-art online interface.
API 510, 570, 571, 577, 1104, 1169, 653, 580, Tank Entry Supervisor
CWI Full Course, Parts A, B & C, 9 Year Renewal, English/Spanish, & practice packages.
PT, MT, VT, RT, UT, UTT, ET - (company multi-course discounts available)
Why Atlas API Training?
- 48 hour money back guarantee eliminates your risk
- Now with 6 month course access (and free time extension as needed) provides extended preparation time
- Audio Flashcards let you train while driving or relaxing
- Quiz question banks provide exam type questions
- Timed/simulated exams prepare you for the real thing
- Professionally developed courses are created and reviewed by field experts
- Instructor support is available when you need help
- Online convenience lets you set your own schedule and study at your own pace
Remember, when the job market in the oil, petrochemical, chemical and power industries starts to dry up, we all become very aware of how important certain certifications and advanced education qualifications can be. When it comes down to several candidates and only a very few positions, these certs and qualifications become extremely important in determining if a candidate will be chosen to fill an available position. Investing in a certification or continuing education is an investment in your future. You can greatly improve your marketable knowledge and make your resume look better to employers at the same time. This will be the difference in working or not during the lean times.